A Sight

a spectator sees unseen things

like knowing where new trees grow

an accounting for branches ends

or where the roots spread their bends

a dewdrop hides in gripped low grass

a spectator sees unseen things

a rocky wall with drooping sides

pours raindrops into river tides

seawater makes a wet story

of the stone as small as a speck

a spectator sees unseen things

secreted bugs that have no wings

to round the remnants of this song

a sinking boat that leaks along

a lulling splat of sea-sprayed rings

a spectator sees unseen things

About the Author

Eileen P. Kennedy’s Banshees (Flutter Press, 2015) was nominated for a Pushcart Prize and won Second Prize in Poetry from the Wordwrite Book Awards. Touch My Head Softly (Finishing Line Press, 2021) was a finalist for the International Book Awards in General Poetry. She lives in Amherst, MA with the ghost of Emily Dickinson. More at EileenPKennedy.com.