So Moving So

(on the Statan Island-Manhattan Ferry)


orange so

orbital so

epochal we are

chugging away

so fast so

doggone slow

so touching

horizon after ho-

rizon, risin’ just so

from Staten dock

to Hattan haze so

dim so distant so thin

those pastel tissue

towers over lapping

water’s edge so

blurred so

collage so

collagen and oh

so soon we see

so pane-filled buildings

so many-eyed towers

so we can realize

so many real eyes

see us at sea

so tiny

so in our heads

so full as statues

so full of seers

seeing us so

fairylike so

oh hello Lady

Liberty so near

so enormous

so arm-pumping cool

so shrunk to fit

on every screen

on this chattering ferry

we share like air

we draw so close

withdraw so soon

going forth so

growing tall so

going back so

shrinking so

filmy so flimsy

so moving so

This poem appears in Solo: Inner Space Probes, the second fascicle of Maven Reaches Mars. Jane describes Inner Space as nearly as vast and mysterious as Outer Space. The section includes dialogues with self and other imaginary friends. Confined in this spinning capsule, contemplating its thin skin, its inner surfaces, looking out for cracks.

About the Author

Jane McPhetres Johnson lives in Amherst MA.

Born in Colorado, enlightened in the ‘60s and ‘70s, landed in Wyoming with two sons, one born while commuting to Vermont’s Goddard College MFA––during graduation/commencement week. Recent poems in Silkworm, Ekphrastic Review, and Song between the Stars.


Read more in Jane’s book, Maven Reaches Mars: Home Poems and Space Probes in Four Fascicles (Off the Common Books, Amherst MA. 2020).


Other publications, exhibits, and readings include: Microbursts: Anthology by Quabbin Writers Salon (Picaflor Press 2017), Compass Roads (edited by Jane Yolen, Straw Dog Writers Guild 2018), and Not My President: Anthology of Dissent (ThoughtCrime Press 2017), Dragon’s Egg in Mystic CT, Earth Day exhibit in Hadley MA, Forbes Library “Home” show, Northampton MA.