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Barbara Wimsatt
The Evolution of Spring
I get drunk on trees On bare branches strung together Beautifully laced Tiny buds greenly sugaring the sky And the starburst of magnolias...

Linda Castronovo
Elizabeth Castronovo 1962-2022
My sister Elizabeth was diagnosed with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) in August 2000, two months after her 38th birthday. Married and...

Jane McPhetres Johnson
walking on dead leaves blood reds, skin tints, old fool's gold soles on souls, clapping Hakuin Ekaku’s well-known koan: “Two hands clap...

Stephanie Shafran
A Call to Arms:
Aventuras en Las Sierras Guadarramas In the fall of 1971, at the outset of my junior year abroad as a student at Smith College, I had an...

Mycelia C.
Without Words
We walk without words through the near pasture where Monarchs flit above flowers, Larks build grass houses, an old birch tree towers....

Elizabeth Castronovo
31 Tips for the Newly Diagnosed
1 - Picture yourself extremely old, and very happy. 2 - Sleep. Sleep some more. 3 - Your body is the boss. Listen up. 4 - Sugar is...

Lynn Bechtel
The Redemptive Power of Sunsets
I don’t have a clear view of sunsets from my house but on mid-summer evenings I can see a faint rosy glow, the edge of the sunset,...

Dorothy Riehm
There are words written inside of me, that are written already in the wide open sky. They seem to disappear like wispy clouds or like...

Madlynn Haber
What You Can Do
You can put feathers in your hair. You can put shells in a glass jar to sit on the windowsill. You can collect rocks from holy places....

George Lancaster
A Lasting Chore
The booth seats in the cafe haven’t changed. Just like before, the tufted, faux-leather upholstery smells of spoiled milk. Fifteen years...

Linda Castronovo
The Other Side
Will it hurt much? she asks It’s a few drops by mouth, mom. It won’t hurt I’m ready She opens her mouth like a baby bird We hold hands,...

Erin Ervin
My heart is like any other, a strong and persistent muscle, doing its job, keeping the hot red stuff of life in motion. Mine is not among...

Carla Manene Cooke
Open your awareness to each day Let morning light shine in your eyes and grey clouds ease your gaze Take in the sounds around you...

Nancy Saporta Sternbach
Brava, Clarica
The amount of time I spent online looking for apartments was absurd. It was so expensive to live in that city, especially with my costly...

Celia Jeffries
Looking for the Pink House
Ocean City, New Jersey (After Richard Blanco poem) There should be nothing here I don’t remember… The pink house with pine paneling and a...

Elizabeth Castronovo
Valiant Pup
Our mini-schnoodle Carly is seven pounds of pure devotion. She greets (or threatens, depending on your perspective) all visitors to our...

Jane Mortifee
He did not think her pain was romantic. He thought it indulgent, the result of her having too much money, a life of comfort, so she had...

Linda Castronovo
Kwan Yin
I hadn't attended the yoga studio near my home in years. My personal practice had devolved into a series of standing and balancing...

Elizabeth Castronovo
Coming Clean
The Laundromat was packed. I stuffed my clothes into an oversized washer, added detergent and pushed in a dozen quarters. Seeking...

Linda Castronovo
I escape into the sanctuary of soft light and quiet breathing. I unroll my mat and take a seat as Lena invites us to close our eyes and...

Elizabeth Castronovo
You’re an egg, and the egg doctor discovers that the yolk isn’t quite right. So he drips a toxic liquid through a tiny pin-hole in your...

Linda Castronovo
In the middle of January, Mr. Brock launches an Astronomy unit. He is young and freckled with a mop of red hair that flops into his face...

Elizabeth Castronovo
Emotional Waves
In August 2000, I couldn't have told you when I was last sick. Vegetarian for 15 years, training rides every morning, lunch hour runs,...
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Because beauty in all forms is salve for the soul.
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